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12:34 a.m., July 12, 2014

By on Oct 2, 2016 in On First Communications | 0 comments

I am so glad that we are now able to communicate in some way Jan..though I know that you find this difficult to do and to be in. it is hard for you to still your mind to receive. It is hard for anyone in life to be still and just be. There are so many distractions even in a quiet life. I see the difficulty. Here it is so peaceful and so very alive with the ability to learn to understand and to know what is really true. I wish you could experience it right in this moment. Around me are so many others who make a difference and have ideas and thoughts and wood will for us all. We want to help and only put ideas in minds and guide some direction in order to make changes through those in life. We are limited. It is good that you know we are here, that we are available. Yes, I can be with you whene3ver you call my name. I am not limited by one body or one place I can be. You and I cannot have the same kinds of conversation we had in life. But we can have conversations of sorts. If you think of a question or voice a question, I can answer as best I can from here. 

In my mind I asked the question, Frank, are you happy? The words that followed… 

Happiness is something you and I talked a lot about in life. What is Happy? If it is knowing that you are making a difference then yes, I am very happy here. I know that I can have an influence on life from here because I can reach out to you knowing you so well. I can synch my thoughts and enter your consciousness, as I have already done. It has made a difference in your life, your feelings and that makes me happy. I also now can feel surrounded by like souls and our conversations are wondrous indeed. You will love them too when you join me here. I can watch you and your writing, your thinking, your concerns and even what you write and post. I can see the way you are progressing and that makes me very happy. I can also spot difficulties and help, kind of behind the scenes and again, that makes me feel happy. So yes. I am happy here. I miss you and miss especially our physical closeness that was so wonderful a part of our lives on earth. But those parts are good to remember and treasure for they are as alive now as they were in the moment. I love you Jan and always will.

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