The conversations with Frank began one night nearly four months after he unexpectedly died. It was July 1, 2014. That July evening I purposefully said out loud, to Frank, that I missed him and loved him and wished we could have the conversational time we used to have. Was there a way? I was feeling sorry for myself, left behind while imagining that he was on the...
Read MoreLove. Love is all there really is in this life and even after this life and in spirit form. Love is all there is. It is a profound thing to fill one’s heart with pure love and project it out into the world out into the atmosphere and the air and the earth and the water and the to all the life forms. Love is. It is our highest destiny to be with love and to be filled...
Read MoreLife is a very special and important gift. We are given an opportunity to right the ways we think and act and are during our lives and then we can view it al from the other side. While we are alive we think that that is all there is and that we are somehow connected but we have such trouble seeing it feeling it. Being it. But now I can see it all and it is quite...
Read MoreI am so glad that we are now able to communicate in some way Jan..though I know that you find this difficult to do and to be in. it is hard for you to still your mind to receive. It is hard for anyone in life to be still and just be. There are so many distractions even in a quiet life. I see the difficulty. Here it is so peaceful and so very alive with the ability...
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