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Posts by janhart

5:55 p.m., June 12, 2015

By on Oct 3, 2016 in On Death | 0 comments

Woke from sleeping all day with a flu virus. The sky was bright deep gold. I felt Frank. Sometimes life feels so far removed from death. They feel separate. They feel as though once you know life, you cannot know death until you are finished with life. Yet, they are so very close and the veil is probably the best metaphor. I am right there with you when you think of...

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12:11 a.m., August 21, 2015

By on Oct 3, 2016 in On Fear | 0 comments

So much in this life on earth appears so frightening. Fear is our major obstacle in life and it is something none of us are capable of fighting alone. Try to imagine fear as a cloud that can dissipate like flakes of dust, with a fresh stirring of wind. Smile, dear Jan. take your steps as you do. Walk knowing that the path is being cleared for you just in the moments...

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2:46 a.m., May 19, 2015

By on Oct 3, 2016 in On Consciousness | 0 comments

I’ve been anxious recently. World news is so upsetting – US elections gearing up, TPP, It feels like we as a human civilization are really going over the cliff… Oh dear Jan. Yes, I can say something to you and with you. The earth is going through some of its most difficult and finest times. You can see them both.. Along with the calamitous events that play out you...

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1:01 a.m., July 8, 2014

By on Oct 3, 2016 in On First Communications | 0 comments

Life is a very special and important gift. We are given an opportunity to right the ways we think and act and are during our lives and then we can view it al from the other side. While we are alive we think that that is all there is and that we are somehow connected but we have such trouble seeing it feeling it. Being it. But now I can see it all and it is quite...

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2:46 a.m., April 15, 2016

By on Oct 3, 2016 in On Deep Soul Work | 0 comments

Please remember that it is the path for every soul on earth to make his decisions and choices and that the decision must be for the growth of the soul – not for the saving of another soul. That saving must be done by the soul him or herself. Your responsibility is to your own soul’s growth. Whatever you decide to do must be from that place of deep Soul...

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