12:12 a.m., November 21, 2015
Jan – I am here, just beside you and have been watching out over the city – with the lovely lights and clouds that are your base, your reality. What an amazing opportunity we each have in earth life…to choose how we respond to the never-ending challenges of the world. The events are now coming faster and are broadcasted so that nearly all can know what happens or is happening far away. While this makes us feel closer, it is also a mighty distraction from our immediate work, our immediate daily interactions right before us. Right before us is the desperate need to quiet our minds and still our hearts. To remember again our job in creating and sharing. Such a balancing act we have on earth. I now want for you to learn to quiet your mind. Quiet your rumbling fears. Allow yourself the quiet and push back away from fear. What is fear? Fear is the absence of love – pure and simply. Fear is distrusting life, oneself and the larger consciousness of the universe. The larger consciousness of all that there is. We all, as souls, need to know that there is simply nothing to be afraid of when we are immersed and filled with enduring love. We are protected. No harm can come to a soul itself and the harm that can come to a body is just a lesson, a learning. I know you are weary of the repetitions you see – wars, hunger, evil, hurt, denial, ignorance and awful hatred. I know you are weary. So just look for the joy that is just beneath. And search the faces you see and the hearts you hear for the joy, the glimpses of soul. That is where the joy of life is found. Soul glimpses. Pure soul glimpses. Trust it, dear Jan. It is all around you – and especially in the animals.