Conversations with Frank
Frank Thompson loved a good conversation. Talking with him was always refreshingly unique – a creative expression of questions, exclamations and delightful pauses.
Death did not quiet his words. I discovered that after being awakened from a sound sleep my job would be to allow the words to come through, one by one – still with the thoughtful pauses and gentle cadence.
Sometimes I can almost anticipate what may be coming next – but then I get a surprise. Something I could not anticipate. There were also times when I could think about something ahead of time that I wanted to know about – how he felt, what it was like where he is, why the craziness in the world, etc. Slowly and sweetly the answers came in words as part of the conversation.
Frank’s words cover a myriad of subjects. Ten selected subjects are located under Conversations with Frank in the right column or below. Some of my comments are also included as part of the conversation. You can also use the search tool to look for specific topics.
The conversations with Frank continue – now about three or four times a month – and I have now about 70,000 words covering even more subjects, still in a folder called Notes in the Night that still sits waiting on my computer desk top. It is my intention to publish them all in a book with the working title of Frankly Speaking. I invite you to contact me for more information via email under Contact.
How It Began…
The conversations with Frank began one night nearly four months after he unexpectedly died. It was July 1, 2014. That July evening I purposefully said out loud, to Frank, that I missed him and loved him and wished we could have the conversational time we used to have....