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10:20 p.m., May 4, 2015

By on Oct 6, 2016 in On Death | 0 comments

Dearest Jan, and you are still so very dear to me – so close to me when we spend moments together like now. You ask about what it is like for me here. Try to imagine what it would feel like to you to be perfectly understood, accepted and loved – all the time. Here I am surrounded by peace and understanding. There are others here – but we are not in communication like on earth where you are. We instantly and always know how the other feels because we are all part of each other. I don’t know how to explain it. You and I used to talk for a long time about consciousness – about what it means to be interconnected with all others and to be a part of all others. That is what it is here. I am living and feeling what it is like to be interconnected with every other being. I can still have my own separateness in that I am remaining connected to you, but it is because I am choosing to do that. Here, I can instantly communicate with others – not in conversation really, but because we all know and understand it all. Yes, I have been able to see my life on earth – and I think I’ve talked about that . I now understand all my choices and all my actions and see them now as a part of the entire galaxy of interrelationships. We are all connected, yes. We are all part of each other and my time here is quite meaningful and exhilarating, really. Sometimes we work in groups – kind of like group discussions and projects – and one of our main areas of work is upon earth. We are helping to direct energies toward a monumental shift – and especially working with those and through those we know best. Like you. And that brings me to why what you are writing and saying and being and doing is so very important now. The changes you have gone through in your life – the opening of your acceptance of consciousness – and your growth into that, is happening all over the world now. The shift in consciousness is happening. It is quite a beautiful thing and is largely unseen by those who cling to the old ways – the ways of fear and distraction and pain.

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