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2:00 a.m., June 12, 2016

By on Oct 2, 2016 in On Healing | 0 comments

I am here with you once again, as I am always. Breathe dear Jan and know that the breath you have inside is connected to the breath of all life, all energy. As you breathe in you are breathing in your connection to all – to spirit, to life, to all that is real and loved and felt and held close in this Universe of consciousness. You can feel it and know it. 27 months ago I said goodnight to you and then left my body to be where I am now. Here I am surrounded by light and energy and love – that is all love. Here I see and know the deepest connections of spirit. Here I see and know what is the real truth of being. Here there is no doubt. Yes, you are doing your deep soul work – and coming to healing of much pain that is held in your body, in your fear. I was there with you and ‘Wendy’ when some of your recent healing took place and I watched and was part of it. You were completely surrounded by energy of spirits and healing beings that you would call saints and angels and guides and spiritual masters. We gathered in the forest to focus our loving intentions with you and you were able to accept and feel the shift in consciousness, in energy. And as soon as you felt it – it changed outwardly. You are safe now, dear Jan. And safe to move forward with your art and your writing – the very examples of and the energetic meanings of your existence now on earth. You are helping so many others as you share now – and give your love in the form of words and art. Think of it like this. You just received a powerful demonstration of how it all works. Now you can extend the healing to others –to all of those who have been difficult in your life because of their energies that have had to come together with yours. You have been given the task of smoothing their energies. Often, in the excitement of the power of energy there is a tendency to push the power to extremes – where it then combines with ego and pushes even more deeply. This is the dance of ego. Yet the energy that fuels it is connected to all of life and the universe. There has to be a gentling of the use of that energy. You are one soul who is useful and whose mission it is to soften the powerful energy of others around you. That is healing. You show how – by your example. That doesn’t mean that it is not very difficult for you sometimes. The pain comes up and you have to find ways to soften your own energy, too – and heal. And, as you witnessed – there are others here who can and do help you. You just need to call on us. ‘Wendy’ helped with that and showed you how. Now you can use what you know for yourself and others. This is how it all works. Know that I am always with you when you speak my name. You are forever loved.

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